Monday, September 6, 2010

An apple a day, keeps the doctor away

  "Did you know the apple tree, the apply tree, the apply tree.."
   We've always been told that an apple a day, will keep the doctor away.  Why, it could just be a myth, or it could just be the true!  I don't know, but I do know that Sam, a few friends of mine, and I, went to Plaster's Apple Orchard this morning around 10:30.  We went apple picking, and got a huge bucket of apples!
   After we got the apples, we headed to Ritter Springs Park, ate our lunch and apples there, and then went wondering around. We waded threw creeks, climbed rocks while going up a hill to a cave, through rocks in a creek, and just had fun.  After the rock climb up a hill to the cave, I slid down the hill, while the others  went carefully down it.  I thought that sliding down it was a lot more fun! ;)
   Next we dropped of my friend, Becca, off at her house, and then met up with Beth at a white bridge that went over train tracks.  We went across the bridge, and headed to a small park that was super close by.  We slid down the slide, swung on swings, and then headed back, across the bridge, to where we left the vehicles.
   Then, we all decided to go to Braums to eat some ice-cream!  We stayed there for awhile and talked.  A while later, Calli, a friend of mine, joined us, and then after awhile we finally went our owns ways.

When I got home, I saw a cute guy, running up to me with a huge smile, while saying. "Abby's here!! Abby's here!!!"  I picked up my cute little nephew and hugged him tight.  I didn't really want to let go, but had to, because my niece had ran up to me after hearing that I had come home.  My oldest brother had brought his family to my house to be with my parents, and spent the day with them.  (They and along with my other brother and his family, with my parents, had a cookout today.)

I played with my niece and nephew, until they left at 8pm.  We played with a tea set for about 5 minutes, then I built them a tent in my room, and then I played hide-and-go-seek with them.  They loved that game! ;]  (haha)

Well, now, I am resting, from all that had gone on today, and yesterday.  Although, I still have another big day awaiting me tomorrow. :)

"Oh, did you know that apple tree, that lives in my backyard."

So long! :)

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